please just don't reinstate the draft
Army Will Recall More Than 5,000 Veterans From 48 States (
man, everything is so fucked up, isn't it?
the life and times of Busty Wilde
Army Will Recall More Than 5,000 Veterans From 48 States (
Yeah, we're straight, we get high on our music...
According to the internet (and what more trusted source is there?), Mary-Kate Olsen is addicted to coke, and that's the real reason she's in rehab. Whatcha think 'bout that? Check it out here.
Looky here, I'm awake. Must be some kind of miracle if you ask me. I got here at about 9:30 this morning, stayed up until, ohhh around 10:30, and then fell asleep (not even on purpose). I woke up at like 12:50 when I got a phone call, and then looked for awhile at the bus schedules so I could go to therapy at 3:30. All of the ways they were telling me to get there were ridiculously complicated, so I decided that I would call up my therapist and ask to reschedule for sometime when I can just leave from work. (I had already been leaning in that direction...I hate taking the bus, and I hate taking unknown bus routes even more.) She said that was fine, so now I'm going on Thursday instead. Yay! I get to leave work in the middle of the day, but then I have to go back. At least I get to leave work though and split the day up a little. I'm gonna hop in the shower.
So I ended up going back to sleep earlier. I'll only nap for an hour or two, I told myself. Seven hours later I finally woke up, showered, and now here I am. Man, I hate when I do that. I feel like I wasted my whole day, and I had so much cleaning planned. I should pack a bowl.
So I was looking at my blog a second ago, and I couldn't help but notice the banner ad at the top of my page (provided by google based on keywords in my entries, yay) and the main two links were both for alcohol and drug addiction recovery. Um, okay. There were also two little extra links under said 'Kim Deal' (this is awesome); the other said 'crack cocaine.' Google must think I'm a crackhead obsessed with Kim Deal and I need to recover or something. Great.
Okay, so I've eaten my two eggos, I'm drinking a Dr. Pepper, and now I want to go back to sleep. What the hell. I will somehow have to resist the urge. Fuck!
Wow. It's like, twenty minutes to 10 on this Monday morning, and I'm asking myself repeatedly why I'm awake. I slept at A's last night (as has been my current trend), but we weren't able to fall asleep until like almost 5. He had to get up for work this morning; I, having the day off (thank god), merely had to get up so he could take me home. Usually in these types of situations I instantly go back to bed as soon as I walk through my door, but today I felt like I should stay up and maybe be productive or something. But now, sigh, I am starting to get tired again. Perhaps I should make something to eat, like an eggo, or have a can of my favorite pick-me-up elixir, Dr. Pepper. Maybe I should just take a shower and get on with it. We did a little bit of oxy last night too, and I remember getting paranoid that I would die in my sleep. I promised myself I wouldn't mix all those drugs at once anymore. We'll see what happens.
Recently I was driving (when I rented a car last week to drive to LA) and I saw a car with a bumper sticker that read "Our governor can terminate your governor!" or something to that effect. Funny, but sad. Very very sad. Didn't Ronald Reagan become governor of California because he was an actor too? These people should stick to their bad movie acting, and leave the political shit to the other bad, politicians.
I haven't written all week! Since Tuesday! Sorry. I guess I've been keeping myself busy, or I've just been unable to write for whatever reason. I've been spending a lot of time at A's apartment, so I haven't really been around...and even though he has a computer, I don't really want to sit and blog in front of him.
I might actually download Bam Thwok on iTunes. Of course, I'll look for it on Kazaa first...
I feel like I haven't written anything in, like, forever. I mean, I have, but I haven't really gone deep inside my head. It's 11:30 on Saturday night, I'm watching Joe Schmo 2 on mtv (I thought this was on Spike TV?), and I'm eating a Smart Ones Rice and Beans dinner. Yum. I worked today, I worked tomorrow, but I didn't work for the last three days. The reason for that, my friends, is that I went down to LA for a few days to visit my family - my little brother was graduating from 8th grade. My fucking nails are too long again for me to type comfortably - it seems like they grow way too fast sometimes. I guess that's better than them not growing. It just seems like I have to cut and file them all the time.
It's only ten minutes to 7:00, but today feels like it's lasted forever already. I got up at around 8 or 8:30 and got ready for work, worked 10-5 (which went by really slowly), and now here I am.
Hey, with Reagan dead, that means the whole "just say no" anti-drug campaign is dead too, right? Man...I remember being like 5 years old and seeing all those dumb anti-drug commercials. Obviously they did absolutely nothing to curb my drug use, but sometimes I feel bad when I snort stuff. I'm completely fine with smoking pot all day long.
I am really fucking high right now. What a beautiful day boys and girls!
He's been home for less than an hour, and he's already calling me up bitching at me and cussing. I feel so stupid for actually missing him and being excited that he was coming home tonight.
wouldn't it be cool if that said what a long day of fucking?
So I have been retaking these enneagram quizzes at various times for a few reasons - it was recommended to take the tests at least several times and see what you get the most and what is most accurate, as your mood may be different at different times, thereby affecting your answers. Makes sense, right? The one you get the most should be the most accurate for the test taker. Here are my results so far:
Conscious self | Overall self |
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Conscious self | Overall self |
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Conscious self | Overall self |
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ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population. |
INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population. |
I think I should snort ativan every time I need to do something. That was great! I mean I'm definitely still feeling it...but I was totally able to go do everything I needed to do and not feel weird about it or try to convince myself to do it later like I usually do. It's like some kind of underlying anxiety that prevents me from getting shit done. Where is that coming from? But right now that anxiety isn't there...I've sedated it enough to where I actually feel productive. Go me! Plus, I feel so relaxed and peaceful...
I need to run some errands. Drop something off at the cleaners, refill some prescriptions, deposit some checks, buy an onion. Get a latte, duh. I am really fucked up right now - I decided to snort two pills of ativan (lorazepam), and now I'm on my third. I usually take one a day to mellow me out a bit, but damn I am fucked up right now. I'm also semi-smoking a bowl (trying to conserve, I only have about 1.5 bowls left). The ativan drip in the back of my throat is sweet tasting - not bitter like that associated with coke. I hope I'm able to function out in public right now...
Bookies Offer 3-1 Odds on Quick End to J-Lo Marriage
...and my results are fairly similar. Not exactly the same, but similar.
Conscious self | Overall self |
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Conscious self | Overall self |
![]() | ![]() | > Word Association Test Results:
I have issues with... |
patience discipline religion age mother |
I have issues with... |
law discipline selfishness history innocence |
Personality Disorder Test Results
So I just put on more Fake Bake. I don't know why, probably because I'm drunk, but it seemed like a good idea. I think I put on too much , so maybe it will look way artificial when I wake up tomorrow. Either that or streaky, since I'm so fucked up. I also spilled a bunch on my carpet - I tried to clean it up with resolve but I'm not sure how well it worked. It definitely turned the towel I was using pretty pink...
I totally have the hiccups for the second time today!! Maybe this time it's because I'm drunk, but usually it happens when I haven't smoked in awhile (as in all day) and my lungs need to 'be expanded.' Awesome. I should smoke a bowl!
Seriously! I mean, not to sound like a bitch or anything, but I was looking at some of the girls that were there and just thinking, wow, she's really ugly. I'm so grateful that I'm one of the hot ones and not the fat ugly ones!
Someone told me yesterday that she loved my hair color - it's very exotic. I pointed out that she's a dumb biotch, since I'm white as fuck. Lol, just kidding. I used to be until I used that Fake Bake the other night. I slept with it on and took a quick shower yesterday morning. I was very concerned it would be streaky or orangey, but it actually looked really natural. There was a part on my upper right thigh near my ass where I saw some streakiness, but no one else can see that high so it doesn't really matter. I think it's gone now anyways. I kind of want to do it again tonight before I go to bed - I hope it won't look more artificial. I only did it on my legs, because if I fuck up I can just wear pants - if I fucked up my arms, wearing long sleeved shirts would suck in this weather. Okay, more soon.
Reagan's dead, I'm bored...what to do? Oh right, let's do some drugs. I'll finish this bowl I'm smoking, do some other stuff...then I'll blowdry my newly colored hair. Okay, really, it's not a new color, it's the same color I've had for the past few months now. But I had my roots touched up yesterday and redid some highlights. Awesome! Next week I'm going to have it cut - not short or anything, just a trim and maybe redefining my layers. Yay. I need to blowdry my hair, I can feel it getting dry by itself as I sit here - oh no!
It's been too long since I've had sex. Like two weeks already, wtf. I really need some cock - let's hope I don't need it bad enough to just fuck anyone though. Fuck.
Ronald Reagan: Strong, Controversial World Statesman
So I posted some pics of those dumb signs I was talking about a few days ago from Safeway. Scroll down and check it out, yo.
Have you ever heard of that website Where's George? where you enter in the serial numbers of the cash you have and it tells you where it's been and shit? It's pretty cool, I have been hearing about it forever and just always felt like it was probably pretty lame, but now I can see myself kinda getting into it. I just entered in like 12 bills. Do your own!
Do I even have to tell you? No, of course not. Unfortunately a quick shower is just not Bustily possible. Okay, actually, it probably is, but tonight I wanted to shave and exfoliate and whatnot so I could try out some sunless tanner I got from work. It's taken me awhile to work up the nerve to try it - generally I'm scared to use such products out of fear of turning my usual pasty white legs into more of an orangey muddy color. Let's hope this doesn't happen this time. I'm also paranoid of the streakiness. I'm planning on wearing a skirt tomorrow - hopefully I won't wind up having to wear pants.
Will I fit my shower into the 15 minute timeframe? Let's find out. Ready, go. Oh wait, let me do some drugs first.
So I just got home from work a little while ago. It wasn't too bad...the day went by pretty fast until my boss and I had to leave to go to a class on this new line that Sebastian is releasing called Body Double. There were about 8 or so of us there at the class, and at the end, the educator asked us 10 questions about what she had just told us. Each right answer won us a dollar; I won $5. I knew the other answers, I just felt bad and wanted to give other people a chance. God, people are so dumb. It's really not that hard to repeat something you were just told, is it? But I guess this class was a little bit different than the ones I took at Cal. Now I'm home, doing drugs, preparing to be productive. I want to clean...
I just got home a little while ago from the laundromat. Now I have clean clothes. Thanks Tim!!!
...and ran some of my dumb little errands. I shipped out that shit to my friend, bought tampons and a paper towel holder from Rite Aid, bought some ketchup and butter from Safeway, and got my iced venti hazelnut lowfat latte. Yay. I wish I could have two days off in a row, that would be awesome.
U.S. Backs New Iraq Leaders, Says 'Not Puppets, Like President Bush'
Let's list my dumb little errands. I have to buy tampons, first of all. While that may sound like it sucks, I'm actually very happy for this, as it means once again that I am not pregnant. Thank god. This reminds me of the fact that in Safeway, in the aisle with the tampons and pads and 'sanitary napkins' and whatnot, the guide thing hanging from the ceiling that says what that aisle contains doesn't say 'feminine hygiene' or 'feminine needs,' like I've so often seen before. No, it says 'novelties.' Hahaha. It's a novelty is it? It's been around for thousands of years fuckheads. Seriously though, I get a kick out of their little labels for random supermarket shit. 'Can Vegetables.' 'Cook gadgets.' (This is supposed to be cooking utensils and shit.) It's like some little asian gnome went around and built all their dumb signs and just fucked shit up bigtime.
I finally got out of bed at around 2pm. I had set my alarm for 11am, hoping to not sleep all day like I usually do on my days off, and besides that I knew I was supposed to be in Berkeley for therapy at 3:30. I wanted to get up and be productive...after all, that is my 'thing' - being productive. Maybe that's because I feel in general that I am entirely too unproductive. Anyways, I woke up at 10 and called my friend to talk about some random shit, and then wound up going back to sleep until I got up at 2. I hit snooze about 5 billion times just like every other day - quite honestly, I'm suprised I haven't smashed my alarm clock to pieces in my sleep yet. I took a shower which ended up being about 37 minutes (haha, "about," you know I totally looked at the clock) - and that was with me trying to not take too long. Damn. I realized there was no way I could be in Berkeley for my appointment anywhere near 3:30, so I called and left a message saying I missed my bus and I was really sorry but I couldn't make it. I dried my hair, put on some moisturizer, threw on some little shorts that I wear around the house, and now here I am. I'm smoking my first bowl of the day, and already I am completely stoned. When you smoke as much as I do, it's not really a matter of getting high anymore, it's more like, "what can I do to maintain my constant high?" Waking up and then smoking doesn't just get me really high, I feel like it actually renews my level of high-ness from at least the night before. It reactivates the high levels of THC flowing through my body already - so, instead of me feeling like I just took 3 hits from my bowl, I feel like I've been smoking for awhile and the few hits I just took are just added to that. Wow, I'm really high. And this Dr. Pepper isn't helping. I feel like I can hardly think. I have some dumb little errands I have to run, and then some not as dumb shit I need to take care of, but I usually put that kind of shit off. Maybe I should get dressed and put on some makeup, yes? Fuck. What to do.