I love my hair
Someone told me yesterday that she loved my hair color - it's very exotic. I pointed out that she's a dumb biotch, since I'm white as fuck. Lol, just kidding. I used to be until I used that Fake Bake the other night. I slept with it on and took a quick shower yesterday morning. I was very concerned it would be streaky or orangey, but it actually looked really natural. There was a part on my upper right thigh near my ass where I saw some streakiness, but no one else can see that high so it doesn't really matter. I think it's gone now anyways. I kind of want to do it again tonight before I go to bed - I hope it won't look more artificial. I only did it on my legs, because if I fuck up I can just wear pants - if I fucked up my arms, wearing long sleeved shirts would suck in this weather. Okay, more soon.
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