I dyed my hair completely blonde
and now I'm HOT!! I love it. I thought I'd be a little apprehensive, but I was really excited to get it done, and now I love it. I look more Swedish now (which I am, I just don't look it). Ja, ja jag gör. It was just blonde on the top layer and dark underneath...but yeah. I already told you.
I woke up pretty late today, like at 3pm. Now I have to work extra hard to be productive in the small amount of time I'll be awake. Fuck! I guess I needed some sleep or something.
My friend's boyfriend keeps beating her up, and I don't know what to do. She doesn't seem to listen to anything I say about it not being normal. Sigh.
You got to get thru to your friend and tell her she's gotta get out of that situation before something worse happens. It isn't uncommon to hear of a man killing his girlfriend even if it was unintentional.
I say the next time she calls you to tell you the next fucked up thing her boyfriend does, you should call the cops and make a domestic violence complaint. Violence is antithetical to love.
i have to disagree with kayaboy. doing something like that will only get her beat up again, or worse. i've had to deal with that sort of thing with my sister and her ex-boyfriend. the more i told her to leave him, the more it pushed her away from me and more towards him. the best you can do is just be there for her, because she may really need you if and when she ever decides to leave the idiot she is with.
you've been in hiding..
witness protection?
I'd never see you more fatier or thinner, so i think you are quiet pretty and beatifull (as allways, of course).
You friend is in deep trouble, and perhaps she needs more help than it seems. Must be complicated to her managing such situation. You must do your sensible best...
When someone breaks the law, what do you do? You call the police and report it. We don't ignore it and hope that one day things will get better. That is the mentality that lets stuff like this happen. The violence will escalate whether or not the police have been notified. At least if the cops are involved, there will be a record of the incident(s), and you can prosecute the fucker, lock him up, and let someone take it out on him.
Sweet. I used to be really blonde and you get lots of attention!
And as for your friend she needs help! You gotta tell her to call a professional...when somebody gets to the point where they are allowing someone to beat on them their self esteem is so low it's very hard for them to get out of it alone.
I always imagined you were naturally blond.. and i mean that in a nice way ;)
~ God knows i need a change.
Your friend won't listen until she's ready. Just be there for her and when she's ready she'll let you know.
Ooooooh, blondes! Heh!
John Stewart did a great album called "Blondes" in about 1985, and the song "Tall Blondes" from that LP is a killer. I hear it, imagine tall blondes, grit my teeth, and fight back tears and goose bumps!
Hope your friend sees the light. I have a song for every occasion, and "Don't Hurt A Woman" by Lou Reed from his "Mistrial" CD comes to mind here... "Thin Line Between Love and Hate" by the Pretenders is another that comes to mind. Maybe using music will get through to her... Good luck!
Hey i lurve blondes, mind you I love women in general.
As for the friend, get her out, get her out fast - even seek police intervention but get her out!
Most importantly, I hope your friend wise's up. There is nobody worth going through what she is putting up with.
Now, for the gossip. I am glad you like your hair. I love dyeing mine. I haven't in forever, but it is addicting.
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