Saturday, March 12, 2005


It's been an interesting week, as usual, though I really can't remember a lot of it. You know, the same things keep happening over and over until they eventually just combine into one big mass of events - events that may not necessarily be related, but somehow have become one big conglomerate of goings-on...and then they all occur as one memory when I attempt to recall them. So everything I did this week that I can't remember? It's all twisted up into the stuff that I do remember. Like work, for example - I went to work every day, and I'm sure I did different stuff each day, but do I really remember (or care) what I did each particular day? Or what I said to whom at a certain time on this date? No, I don't. I don't know that information (not off the top of my head, at least, but I am definitely anal enough that I could figure out anything I wanted to).

Do I really believe what I wrote in that first half of the paragraph above? Maybe to some extent, but I think it just sounded cool to me as I was typing it.


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