Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"circumcision bumper sticker"

So, get this-

Someone actually came to my site looking for a circumcision bumper sticker. Or at least that's what I gather, given this information provided by Site Meter:

Domain Name: in.us ? (United States Map | Flag | Facts)
IP Address: 206.106.120.# (ARIN - North America)
Time of Visit: Mar 13 2005 12:34:06 pm
Referring URL: http://www.google.co...en&lr=&start=20&sa=N
Search Engine: google.com
Search Words: circumcision bumper sticker

Now, some of you may remember a recent post of mine describing my adventures behind a car that had some bold statements to make - statements involving how circumcision is evil.

I'm left wondering, though, what kind of person would search for bumper stickers about circumcision on google. Probably some kind of über-Christian or Jesus-freak, as the first site listed in the search results, one of those WWJD? sites, would leave me to believe. There's also this site, where you can read about all kinds of people's children and learn way too much about their penises.

I also found this site among those search results, detailing what to do when you're chosen for "insta-salvation":
Please take any necessary actions to leave the Earth in a safe state:
* park your vehicle OR
* secure an alternate pilot
* unplug all coffee pots or hot-plates
* stamp out any cigarettes or open flames
* leave money on the table
* move towards open sky, skylights or at least upper stories

Is that for real? Just in case, here's some other advice to heed:
It is unsure whether the Divine Call will be heard by the unworthy, but those Left Behind will certainly become aware of the two big signs of the Rapture. Any Christian hearing stories of mass grave desecration, WORLD WIDE, should be able to determine the cause. But if you are still on Earth when the stories of millions of missing non-buried Christians are told, you may have to consider that you are not going to be taken up.

People are so weird, especially regarding religious and spiritual beliefs, but that's a whole different post.


Blogger Snave said...

I took a look at the "twilight zone" sites for which you gave links... arrrrgh. Superstition can do strange things to people.

Did you ever see the old SNL sketch about the rabbi performing a circumcision in the back seat of a car as it was being driven along a bumpy pothole-filled road? Heh!

3/16/2005 06:32:00 AM  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

There is a growing study by Theologists of whatis becoming known as "American Orthodoxy" a newish and kind of extremist form of Christianity.

Its is characterized by the weirdness of which you describe.


3/16/2005 08:41:00 AM  
Blogger mcgibfried said...

i couldn't be in the room when my son got snipped... to painful to bear third party.

3/16/2005 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's my religion: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/time-travel-phys/
look into USS Montauk

3/16/2005 07:21:00 PM  
Blogger Busty Wilde said...

Religion is weird.

Extreme Christians sound extremely frightening.

And, that site is interesting - I actually spent a long time reading it, but how is that a religion?

3/17/2005 01:03:00 AM  

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