Friday, January 14, 2005

what a beautiful day

Today is awesome so far. I have the day off, I'm totally relaxed, it's not pouring rain outside (or pouring anything else for that matter, even though it is fucking freezing), I'm drinking a triple latte, my boyfriend cleaned my room last night so there's not shit everywhere (giving me space to finally organize some of my pictures tiling my floor, as well as some of the other shit that I've been too unmotivated to put away myself) , I slept until 3:30pm, I'm high , I got a raise yesterday...I could go on, but you get the point. I guess I'm in a good mood or something. Sweet! It's about fucking time. I feel like I haven't been in the best of moods lately, for whatever reasons. But now that I have the day damn. This is awesome.

Yesterday I took everything out of my shower and spent an hour (or more?) scrubbing it. This is a pretty big deal for several reasons: I only have a shower stall, no bathtub, so you can imagine how long I actually spent cleaning it; my shower was really dirty (at least it was in my mind - anyone else probably wouldn't have even noticed); I have a TON of products, so taking them all out of the shower to clean was a bitch - in fact, they're still all over my bathroom floor. Which reminds me, I need to go put all that shit back. Maybe when I'm done with my caffeine injection. And besides, I'm chatting with my mom right now...much cheaper than talking on the phone, right?

Well, I guess I don't really have anything too interesting to report on today. Not yet at least. Things are going well with my boyfriend, I don't hate work right now, I don't feel like I have no friends. I don't even feel terribly poor right now...but I guess I will, if I start thinking about it. Fuck student loans.

Okay, latte is finished. Time to put my shower products away. I'll write more later.

Hey, guess just five days now, the world is going to end. Isn't that just spectacular? Keep your eyes open for interesting things to happen at the "inauguration." (The quotation marks represent the fact that Bush shouldn't really be see, he's the "president." It's only real in some fake fantasy world.) Sigh.


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