issa nice
Check it out yo! Yet another meaningless quiz...

You are Cocaine (aka: coke, crack, snow, 151...).
You are the second most commonly used drug in
the world. You are very witty, talented, perky
person if you can just have the right
opportunity to show to everybody how unique you
are, when you are in a good mood you can reach
a very high point of happiness. You are
classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.
What kind of Drugs are you? and how that reflect your personality?
brought to you by Quizilla
I would like to say a few things regarding this. First of all, I think that spoon is in the wrong drug picture. Secondly, those yellow crack rocks and that rusty razor definitely do NOT look appetizing. Lastly, I do like being called witty, talented, and perky, even if it is in reference to an illegal drug (all the good ones are illegal anyways).
UPDATE: It looks like the picture isn't working. Darn.
UPDATE2: Nevermind, now it is.
UPDATE3: A loyal friend reminded me that some people do, in fact, employ a spoon to use their cocaine. Then I remembered that movie Traffic, where they do just that.
Busty Wilde + quiz + drugs + cocaine
you should take your own photo! i'm sure you could be more creative than them anyway.
I...uh...don't know what you're talking about? Yeah, yeah. I wouldn't know what to take a picture of! Uh...yeah.
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