Lake Merritt
Yesterday I went on a walk and took some pictures. This is significant mainly because ever since I came back from Honduras, I have been completely uninspired in regard to photography. I figured it was a nice day, so I might as well take my camera to see what would happen. Some of the pictures actually turned out pretty good.
I honestly didn't realize how close I now live to Lake Merritt, which is cool, because it's actually pretty. My pictures make Oakland not look so bad after all (to those who only know Oakland by its stereotype, of course - those who live here know that there are some parts that are beautiful). I used my film camera and had the pictures put onto a cd (like I do with the majority of my pictures).
Here are a few for your eyegasmic pleasure:

Busty Wilde + Oakland + Lake Merritt + pictures
That is a very beautiful place...look at all those birds! Damn where's my gun?
Hah! Wait until it's dark out at least...
what, you dont read geekbird???
I guess I lied, you know I do.
i say prove it with a link
I say you reciprocate if I do!
Okay, done.'re gonna need to come up with an official title of some sort before i can link you
very pretty. great picture taking!!!
oakland is a dumpster!
i read it online, therefore it must be true!
Your link is up
...title, care of McGeezy
Very scenic indeed!
Hey I love O town, have'nt been there but I love it anyway.
Totally eyegasmic. I need a cigarette.
Wow, 15 comments already, you have a lot of people reading your misaventures (misfortunes? thats what it means? my bad english betrayes me).
gibbysgirl - thanks :)
mcgib - fuck you!
geekbird - sweet.
pravinism - thanks, and thanks for stopping by here, I'll check out your blog...
damien - come visit oakland, we can all party bay area style!
binsk - cool...i'd offer you a cigarette if you were closer!
gtx - yeah, people like reading about my (mis)adventures. I guess technically the definition is something along the lines of "misfortune, mishap," but I like to think of it more as the wrong type of adventures, or adventures down the wrong path...
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