Thursday, April 21, 2005


I feel like I never post anymore, or when I do, I'm not really posting anything of importance, I'm more just putting words and images there to take up space. I wonder why. Am I bored of blogging? No, I don't think so. Do I feel inferior to some of my cute little blog-buddies? Nope, that's not it either, because I know I'm super cool. Duh! Maybe I'm just sick of myself, sick of my thoughts, sick of my life. Maybe I'm just bored of everything I'm used to and hence see no point writing about anything that occurs, because why would anyone possibly be interested? I read other people's meaningless events that occur from day to day, and then I read the comments they get from people are actually interested in these strangers' daily routines for whatever reason. I just don't get it. I could write all about the daily shit that happens to me, but that's just it - it's shit that happens daily. Nothing extraordinary, just my regular life. I honestly can't see why anyone would be interested - don't they have their own shit to deal with? Their own stupid daily routine that they're stuck in? Maybe it's like the whole soap opera appeal, where people love to watch other people's problems and not be involved. Maybe I should add high drama to everything that happens to me, create some kind of wacky blog soap opera. Actually, that would be pretty awesome, come to think of it.

Maybe I'm just used to the thoughts in my head, so when I do try to write something, nothing pops out - because I'm used to everything already swirling around. Maybe I just don't want to think about anything anymore, because I'm unhappy and bored. I don't really feel stuck or anything, it's just more of a "okay, what do I do now?" feeling. My mind is numb.



Blogger floatingwild said...

i get like that too.. just blah, nothing to say - kind of a lazy feeling. day 9 on zoloft- had a dificult day yeasterday full of anxiety and fear. i need this stuff to kick in.

4/22/2005 10:45:00 AM  

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